

Kanaki Secondary School is a unique school, located on the bank of the' Kanakai River'. i.e. Kanakai Municipality Word no. 3. 'Unique' in the sense that it has its own distinctive features-it has special education for the deaf children, English and Nepali medium  classes from Nursery to Tweleve.Kanaki Secondary School is a unique school, located on the bank of the' Kanakai River'. i.e. Kanakai Municipality Word no. 3. 'Unique' in the sense that it has its own distinctive features-it has special education for the deaf children, English and Nepali medium  classes from Nursery to Tweleve, the classes have been managed separately in separate blocks. It has aslo run elevan and twelve classes in Science, Management and Education stream. Apart from this, resposnible and dedicated teachers, skilled adminstration, diligent and well disciplined students, co-operative SMC and conscious guardians have added some bricks to get this school identified as one of the popular school of Jhapa.
     From the time of its establishment (2015BS) to the date, it has set a landmark history in its journey like producing SLC graduates and wining cups, prizes and rewards in games and tournament. It again believes in imparting quality education at affordable expenses. Owing to this it has become the centre of attraction for teh students who are unable to afford in private institutions. Apart from the aforementionsed input, it conducts curricular,co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that help the students to enhance their knowledge and also teach them to be socialized. 
   It has also a well equipped laboratory, a rich libray and has got all other infrastructurs needed for achieving quality education. Finallly, we extend our effort and dedication to the students for their better results in academic career. Dear SEE graduates come and visit this institution, we are hurry to welcome you.
Kanakai Secondary School envisions developing this institution as a Centre of Excellence for quality education in eastern Nepal. 
The school has it mission to create favourable environment for quality education for national develpment by imparting quality education. 


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